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Welcome to Apache OpenDAL™

OpenDAL represents Open Data Access Layer. Our vision is to access data freely.

What does OpenDAL do?

Getting started

See the page for quick start with multiple languages: Quickstart.

Why OpenDAL?

The vision of OpenDAL is access data freely, where "free" refers to four essential aspects:

1. Free from services

OpenDAL must enable users to access various storage services ranging from s3 to dropbox via its own native API. It should provide a unified API for accessing all these services.

For example, we DO

while we DO NOT

  • Add support for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) via XML API: GCS has native JSON API which is more powerful
  • Add support for structural data in MySQL/PostgreSQL: We can treat a database as a simple key-value store, but we can't support unified access of structural data.

2. Free from implementations

OpenDAL needs to separate the various implementation details of services and enables users to write identical logic for different services.

For example, we DO

  • Add a new capability to indicate whether presign is supported: Users can now write logic based on the can_presign option.
  • Add a default_storage_class configuration for the S3 service: Configuration is specific to the S3 service.
  • Add an option for content_type in the write operation: It aligns with HTTP standards.

while we DO NOT

  • Add a new option in read for storage_class: As different services could have varying values for this parameter.

3. Free to integrate

OpenDAL needs to be integrated with different systems.

For example, we DO

  • Add Python binding: Python programmers can use OpenDAL.
  • Add object_store integration: object_store users can adopt OpenDAL.

4. Free of cost

OpenDAL needs to implement features in a zero cost way which means:

  • Users don't need to pay costs for unused features.
  • Users cannot write better implementation for used features.

For example, we DO

  • Add layer support: Users can add logging/metrics/tracing in zero cost way.
  • Implement seek for Reader: Users cannot write better seek support, they all need to pay the same cost.


  • Add Arc for metadata: Users may only need to use metadata once and never clone it. For those who do want this feature, they can add Arc themselves.